DavyG & the Engines of Efficiency


CD (G.I.C.S.N.) 1999

With the use of their patented IT IS IT thing-stuff computator Davy G & the EoE have created "... the great work of the post-post-modern age", defining and hence re-redefining where ".. the jive is SLAK and where IT IS IT is at"

SoulanoidWalk Down the Street
Public Pool
Blak Star
Sweet Man
Dry Humping
Juicy Juice

Dave (guitar/sing/keyboards/drums) with:
The People Persons

Recorded at Frisbee #5 (Randolph St.) by Bob, 1999
mixed / mastered by Bob Frisbee
serviced by Honest Andy electronics


0" (G.I.C.S.N.) 1999

Scopin' / Dry Humping

(credits as above)

Download: Scopin' / Dry Humping (200kb mp3s - 4.3Mb / 7.5Mb)